MAHALO MY BELOVED I stopped by "The Volcano Store" bought plenty of anthuriums and got more kahili ginger by the stocks I cut even a hapu’u fern was still not enough many ti leaves from old Volcano Road adding to the bouquet to honor your soul still I gathered ohelo berries plenty and two apples from the Finley’s tree The ohia tress were calling out, “Take my lehua blossoms and never live in doubt”. It was a particular windy day Hurricane Flossie was said to blow us away still into Hale ma’u ma’u I walked so deep my arms so full of flowers a bundles heap I walked so long full of prayers and tears reflecting on all of the beauty years our homes, our land, our sacred melody our sons and how we played inside the sea I layed the flowers at the crater’s edge and sang and chanted and prayer again ‘till all the tears filled up my heart I realized an end was a brand new start then I saw two hawks soaring in the crater and I knew you and I had never been greater. Did they listen to your words did they respect that in the end you healed your regrets You were the poet that was so complete Your life was always at the Master’s Feet. I drove around Big Island for days listening to the songs you gave….me Feeling you with me on this journey complete amd finally I knew so sweet It’ s your heart that you placed inside my own and this I know is your home We love and we share and we live and trust of heart we do give We were students of the truth from the start and this is where we stay as we part A Hui Ho my Beloved Aloha Oi’ Bliss As we continue with this sacredness. Mahalo My Beloved I Love You, Sandy |
![]() dolphin photos © Sandra Provencio, 2010 - All Rights Reserved |
As far as the tribute goes, from my understanding, Jerry's life, as a surfer was about one thing. The ability to know God. He was a lover of God. He was a lover of life. He was a lover of adventure. He was a lover of the sea. As passionate as he was, all of his soul purpose was to know God and to be one with his heart and breath. Even though he was a Capricorn (an earth sign) and a very grounded human being. His main heart ray was not of this world. He found the God's eye within his being and from that point of existence he did everything he could to remain true to his treasure. No exception. He was a devotee of the light realm. His surfing was an expression of his joy and gratitude. |
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He also had his trials and challenges and lessons. He knew all the spectrum of emotions, well. He was noble and patient, sure learned from his sailing and surfing.
I remember him telling me, whenever I would go off intensely, about something. "Choose your battles wisely". He was as even as they come. |
All in all, Jerry was a simple man with the heart of a child. I feel he would want anyone to know that surfing is a gift and a journey that leads to the prayer call. Surfing will answer the questions and lead you to the humble of a free spirit. Jerry Whitesides was a man of God.
- by Sandy Provencio
The first surfer who made a strong impression on me was Mark. He was a few years older than me. Some days after school, we would meet at the beach. I would watch him and about seven of our other friends surf. Mark was the best. He would carve into the water with such grace. His style was different. I could tell that this was his religion, his love. His eyes were beautiful, deep, clear, and blue. When he would come out of the water, it looked as if the ocean lived in his eyes. He graduated from high school before me and moved to Maui. I went to visit him one summer. His surfing had changed a lot from living in the islands. He had become a much stronger surfer. Because the channels between the Hawaiian Islands are some of the strongest currents in the world, surfers are really challenged there. Mark came through with conviction in his heart. You could see it when he took off on a wave. Something was filling him. A humility that was noticeable. I remember one of his front teeth got knocked out one day while surfing. It must have been around a month before he got it fixed. This left an impression in my mind. Because he was very good looking
and the tooth was an eye-stopper. At that time most surfer’s egos could swell as big as the waves they rode concerning their appearance. Mark was reaching for things beyond the external. He was becoming a deep human being. He never left Maui and now lives in Hana with his wife and family. He quit surfing for a long time and bought himself a fishing boat. Last time I spoke with him, he planned on reacquainting himself with the sport again. I am glad to know the simple man with the generous heart. The only surfer I ever lived with was Jerry. His experience with the sea was entirely different than any surfer I knew. He had been surfing since he was a child, and this was obvious. The difference was that for nearly eight years he lived on sailboats. He travelled around the world surfing to his heart’s content. He was one of the first batch of mainland surfers to go to Hawaii. He knew about riding big waves. He also lived with a Kahuna named Daddy Bray. The Hawaiians really loved him. Jerry always had a calmness about him and a deep devotion to the sea, which still remains. If there is such thing as a soul surfer, which we know there is, then Jerry is one. No matter what his life has taken him through, he has always remained true to his love of surfing. True to the love of his heart. He always gets in the water and rides. He taught me more about the ocean than anyone I know. Later he became my husband and the father of our two sons. The kind hearted lover of life now lives on the oceanfront in Kona, right at Lymans, on the
Big Island. I am blessed and grateful to have been his wife, and the mother of his sons, whom carry his spirit strongly. He remains the center heart of our family. Most important, they have remained deep in the heart of their souls. Sometimes they look like seals playing in the waves, with the blackness of their wetsuits shining. I know better. It’s really the mermen gracing the shoreline with a song in their hearts...and a very serious eye on the horizon. Mahalo My Beloved, Tribute and Mermen ©Sandra Provencio 2010 - All Rights Reserved |